Week 9 - Working with Gold part 2
Absolutley loved this week and I can’t wait to get these rings back from marking so I can wear them.
I did procrastinate most of the day with these as we had only a smalll amount of gold to work with and it is quite easy and quick to mess it up and it turns into a melted gold puddle.
Over this course I have learnt that silver can be heated for longer before it melts where as the gold, literally as soon as that solder flows you need to remove the heat. Also with silver you need to heat the whole ring or piece up before you focus on the solder and the join whereas with gold you can just focus on the join with the solder and heat either side.
This weeks materials
A face in my materiials
Soldering on the tube
I wouldn’t naturally pick this colour of CZ (cubic zirconia) and I almost swapped it for one of my cz’s but I am so glad I didn’t as I really like the colour.
Finished rings
Finished rings